
Rocky Fork Lake

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Boat Races Are Back at Rocky Fork Lake! Rumble in the Hills 7/21-22

Rocky Fork Lake Boat Races Rumble in the Hills

Organizers for Rumble in the Hills set for July 21-22 at Rocky Fork State Park include (front row, l-r) Keith Fickert, Joey McGuire, Mike McGuire and Ron Snyder; (back row, l-r) Chris Sexton, Greg Kneitzer, Kevin Kneitzer and Michael Glern.

Just two weeks before they are set to take place, officials have announced that power boats races and other activities will return to Rocky Fork State Park this year.

Now called Rumble in the Hills, this year’s races will be held July 21-22 with the races starting around 9 or 10 a.m. each day. The race course will be in the same location around two islands on the lake’s east side where more than 25 world records have been set in past years.

There will also be a fireworks display on Saturday, July 21 at dark, a Budweiser beer garden both days, along with food carts and flea market vendors.

After being held for 25 out of 30 years, the races were canceled in 2015 and have not been held since.

“With the race having over a 20-year history at Rocky Fork Lake, most people familiar with the area remember them. Doc Yinger created and organized the races for two decades, doing an outstanding job with it and making it a success,” said Mike McGuire, the driving force behind the return of the races with his father, Joey McGuire. Continue reading….

Kids Trout Derby is April 7

Highland County Rod and Gun Club hosting annual Kids Trout Derby

Pictured (l-r) are Highland County Rod and Gun Club members Tim Schlater, Tim Truman, Dave Reed, Libby Kidder, John Kidder and Kathy Reed. (Submitted photo)
Pictured (l-r) are Highland County Rod and Gun Club members Tim Schlater, Tim Truman, Dave Reed, Libby Kidder, John Kidder and Kathy Reed. (Submitted photo)

The Highland County Rod and Gun Club will sponsor its annual Kids Trout Derby on April 7 at Rocky Fork State Park’s campground docks area.

Shooting activities, archery and shotgun, will be held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., and trout fishing will be from 1-4 p.m. The co-sponsors of the event are the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Parks and ODNR Division of Wildlife.

Approximately 1,500 rainbow trout are released prior to the event, and 12 of these fish are tagged, with the lucky fisherman winning $100 if they catch a tagged fish.

All activities during the day are free, including lunch, prizes, archery and shotgun shooting. Several varieties of bait are provided free of charge. Kids must bring their own fishing equipment.

Fishing is restricted to youth from 15 years old and younger. After 4 p.m., the fishing is then open to public fishing for all ages. A fishing license is required for those 16 years old and over.

Any individual or business who wishes to sponsor a tagged fish can call Tim Schlater at (937) 403-5811.